Paying For The Insurance IS OPTIONAL and Totally Up To You
Travel Insurance Trip Cost (use full cost per person)
Insurance Plan Cost $0 – $1,000 $109 $1,001 – $2,000 $149 $2,001 – $3,000 $209 $3,001 – $4,000 $259 $4,001 – $5,000 $299 $5,001 – $6,000 $349 . Brief Outline of Coverage Restrictions Apply Trip Cancellation, Trip Interruptions & Trip Delay Provides reimbursement for unused, non-refundable trip cost. Trip Interruption also provides reimbursement for additional transportation costs. Trip Delay provides coverage if you are delayed during a trip for more than 8 hours. Some examples of covered reasons are listed below. See plan for full details. .
• Your, a Family Member’s, or a Traveling Companion’s Sickness, accidental injury or death
• Being hijacked, quarantined, subpoenaed, or asked to serve on jury duty • Home or destination is made uninhabitable
• Traffic accident en route to departure
• Death or hospitalization of host at destination
• Terrorist attack Missed Connection Provides reimbursement if You miss Your Trip departure because Your arrival at Your Trip destination is delayed for 3 or more hours, due to:
• any delay of a Common Carrier; • documented weather condition preventing You from getting to the point of departure for Your Trip. Baggage and Personal Effects Provides reimbursement of Baggage or other personal effects that are lost, damaged or stolen while on your trip. Baggage Delay Provides coverage for the emergency purchase of essential items if your Baggage is delayed for more than 12 hours during your trip. Medical Expense Provides coverage for the necessary medical and surgical cost if you become sick or accidentally injured while on a trip. Emergency Medical Evacuation If you become sick or injured on a trip, emergency assistance will provide benefits such as: arrange transportation to the nearest suitable medical facility; help you return home, if medically necessary; provide round-trip economy air fare for a companion to visit if you are traveling alone and hospitalized for more than 7 days. 24 Hour Emergency Travel Assistance* Includes a wide range of services before and during trips through a 24/7 toll free number. *Emergency travel assistance services are provided by the designated provider listed in the Description of Coverage. Pre-Existing Condition Waiver The pre-existing medical condition exclusion may be waived when: • The plan is elected within 21 days of booking date; • You insure 100% of the cost of all Travel Arrangements that are subject to cancellation penalties or restrictions; and • You are not disabled from travel at the time premium is paid. A pre-existing condition exists if a traveler and/or traveling companion has an illness or other condition within 180 days prior to policy effective date in which:
• the patient received or received a recommendation for a test, examination, or medical treatment or • took or received a prescription for drugs or medicine.