Join The Twogether Group
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Join The Twogether Group

The Twogether Group is a group of married couples or seriously involved couples who want to expand their relationships through travel, Volunteering or fun and exciting activities. Our hope is that we will bring couples Twogether who will change communities, have a positive impact on the institution of marriage and change the world.

Twogether Supper Club


Each Twogether supper club event offers a special chance to savor delightful meals at handpicked restaurants. Here, you can explore new flavors and experiences with other couples who appreciate good food and meaningful connections. Whether you’re a food enthusiast or just seeking a break from the ordinary, our supper club guarantees evenings brimming with laughter, engaging conversations, and delightful culinary finds.

Volunteer / Community Service


The Twogether group believes that dedicating even a small amount of your time can greatly enhance someone’s quality of life. Come join us in spreading kindness and providing support through our community services. Together, we can build a stronger, more compassionate community where everyone feels valued and supported. Your kindness can light up someone’s day and create ripples of goodness that extend far beyond what you can imagine.

Date Night


Twogether Date Night is a pre-planned occasion for married or committed couples to set aside time for each other, separate from duties such as parenting. These evenings improve communication, intimacy, and offer a wonderful opportunity to strengthen your marriage or relationship.

Book Club


Join The Twogether Group Book Club, convening every Tuesday at 7 PM Central Time on Zoom! Our club focuses on celebrating literature in a supportive and uplifting environment. We strive to have meaningful conversations about the values of a happy and thriving marriage.

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Interested in joining The Twogether Group?
Use the form below.